14 day free trial
You won't be charged for the first 14 days of your plan. We'll automatically bill you on the 15th day if you remain subscribed.
One Month Free
14 day trial PLUS first month free, you'll be charged at the end of your promotional offer if you remain subscribed.
$40 /month
$384 /Year
Save 20%
Original Price
$40 /month
With Discount
$34 /Month
Original price
$40 /month
with discount
$32 /Month
Original price
$40 /month
with discount
$28 /Month

HWPO LIFT features thoughtfully designed progressions in the Olympic lifts, Snatch and Clean & Jerk, coupled with an optional daily metcon. The primary focus for this program is on increasing your max lifts while working on positional strength, squatting, pulling and technique.



Gain strength in Olympic LIFTS - Snatch and Clean & Jerk
Focus on positional strength - squatting, pulling and technique
12 week cycles based on percentages
5 training days per week plus a daily metcon
Each training session should take roughly 90 minutes to 2 hours
Access to a gym and equipment required
FREE 5 week MEET PREP program add-on
Watch the trailer


Program Information

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Who’s the program designed for?

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Training volume and style

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Gym requirements

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14 day free trial
You won't be charged for the first 14 days of your plan. We'll automatically bill you on the 15th day if you remain subscribed.
One Month Free
14 day trial PLUS first month free, you'll be charged at the end of your promotional offer if you remain subscribed.
At HWPO Training, we seek to find the answers from experts, like Aimee Anaya Everett, and we roll up our sleeves and get to WORK.

Member perks

JOIN our community of fellow HARD WORKERS
CONNECT with our coaches and moderators
Access EXCLUSIVE content curated by Mat Fraser
Join Aimee LIVE on monthly calls from Circle
Exclusive members only PROMOS and PRIZES
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Do I need a gym to complete this program?

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How much time do I need?

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What happens if I miss a day?

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Can I cancel anytime?

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How many days of training will I receive at a time?

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Why should I choose annual program pricing?

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You won’t be charged until training begins on JAN 9th.

Start your 14 day free trial to HWPO LIFT

You won't be charged for the first 14 days of your plan. We'll automatically bill you on the 15th day if you remain subscribed.